Life Hack is the first book of the Migrant’s Romance Series. I’m very happy to announce that it was released both in kindle and paperback versions.

It’s a kindle unlimited product, so if you have that Amazon Service you can get it right away.

It also means that we will be making promotions of the book putting it at discount prices and/or free. Reviews, when you get the book under these conditions, is not necessary but highly appreciated. Let’s face it, this is the reason we put the discounts, to pleasure guilt you into giving something back. And what we writers want back is your opinion.

A good writer is not born, it’s made out of learning from mistakes, studying what other people do and plainly hitting the wall with the forehead until things go right or you faint, whatever comes first.

So, I want to hear from you, good or bad, I want to know. Your feedback will make me do a better book of this one and all the ones to come.

Will I take orders? Good luck with that. I’m Latin after all. But I will value and cherish and actually make all this for that lil piece of feedback that you can give me after reading the book.

Have you read the book? Let me know down here.

Have you reviewed it? Get in touch and I will let anyone know about you.

Note: those links are affiliate links.

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